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Arlington County Civic Federation

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ACCF Airport Issues Committee
Letter to Congressman Jim Moran

The Cover Letter from ACCF President Patrick Smaldore

January 11, 2005

The Honorable James Moran
The US House of Representatives
2239 Rayburn Building
Washington DC 20515-4608

Dear Congressman Moran,

Subject: Request for FAA Fast-Track Review of Recommendation #1 of the Final Noise Abatement Recommendation for the Reagan National Airport Noise Compatibility Plan

Now that the report has been completed by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), the Arlington County Civic Federation Airports Noise Committee has reviewed the final recommendations for noise abatement approval by the Part 150 Advisory Committee, and is pleased to support all of the recommendations in the report.

To shorten the time required to implement recommendation #1, the Arlington County Civic Federation asks that you request the FAA to put recommendation #1 of the Noise Compatibility Study under fast-track review. In addition we request your assistance in obtaining FAA funding to support the RNAV committee, and that citizen representatives be able to fully participate in this committee.

Enclosed is a copy of the letter written by the Arlington County Civic Federation's Airport Noise Committee on January 7, 2005. We feel this letter is important, and we ask that you include it in your discussions of these matters. We look forward to your response to our letter.

Please feel free to contact me via telephone at: 703-528-3935, or via email at; pat.

Thank you.


Patrick A. Smaldore Jr.
President, Arlington County Civic Federation
3859 North Second Street
Arlington, VA 22203-3803

CC: ACCF Airports Noise Committee

The Letter from the ACCF Airport Issues Committee

January 7, 2005

The Hon. James Moran
The U.S. House of Representatives
2239 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515-4608

RE: Request for FAA Fast-track Review of Recommendation #1 of the Final Noise Abatement Recommendations for the Reagan National Airport Noise Compatibility Plan

Dear Congressman Moran,

On behalf of the Arlington County Civic Federation Airport Issues Committee (AIC), thank you for your past support for the Noise Compatibility Study (FAA Part 150) for the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The Arlington County Civic Federation has actively participated in this process. Now that the report has just been completed by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), we have reviewed the final recommendations for noise abatement approved by the Part 150 Advisory Committee, and are pleased to support all recommendations in the report.

It is apparent that recommendation #1 will provide the most benefit in terms of noise abatement for citizens residing on both sides of the Potomac and Anacostia rivers. Recommendation #1 calls for the establishment of required navigation (RNAV) way-points along the centers of the rivers, thus allowing aircraft to fly along the centers of the rivers, rather than over residential neighborhoods as is the current practice. However, the benefits from this recommendation (assuming it is approved by the FAA) might not be realized for years. MWAA representatives have estimated that the typical FAA review process is 12 to 18 months. Once recommendation #1 is approved, an RNAV committee will need to be formed and funded, studies to determine the appropriate way points along the rivers will need to be conducted, and a final report will be submitted to the FAA. At that point, the FAA review process begins again.

To shorten the time required to implement recommendation #1, we strongly desire that the FAA put recommendation #1 on a fast-track review schedule.

We ask that you request the FAA to put recommendation #1 of the Noise Compatibility Study under fast-track review. In addition, we request your assistance in obtaining FAA funding to support the RNAV committee, and that citizen representatives will be able to fully participate in this committee.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the AIC co-chairs Steve Geiger (703-522-0026; email: steveg+) or Steve Baur (703-525-5580; email: steveb+).

This page was last revised on: January 12, 2005.
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