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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

Candidates Night - 2005

The Civic Federation's annual Candidates Night on the first Tuesday of September kicks off Arlington's campaign season. Here are some photos of the September 6, 2005 event. There were fewer contested races than usual. The debate was extraordinarily civil, with all of the candidates refraining from personal attacks to present positive programs for what they intend to do if elected. Channel 69 taped the program and scheduled several presentations of it before November.

President Patrick Smaldore presiding.

David Englin, candidate
Virginia House of Delegates District 45

Chris Gregerson, candidate
Virginia House of Delegates District 45

Delegate Max Scruggs from Dominion Hills asks a question.

Al Eisenberg, unopposed incumbent
Virginia House of Delegates District 47

Bob Brink, unopposed incumbent
Virginia House of Delegates District 48

Delegate Stan Karson from Radnor-Fort Myer Heights asks Delegate
Brink about restricting cell phone use while driving.

Adam Ebbin, unopposed incumbent
Virginia House of Delegates District 49

Jay Fisette, unopposed incumbent
Arlington County Board

Delegate Paul Svercl from Boulevard Manor asks Chairman
Fisette about increases in County expenses.

Bill Barker, candidate for Arlington County School Board

Cecelia Espenoza, candidate for Arlington County School Board

Ed Fendley, candidate for Arlington County School Board

The three candidates for Arlington County School Board
listen to a questioner from the audience.

Delegate Tim Wise from ACTA asks a question about taxes and spending.

Photos by Burt Bostwick

This page was last revised on: September 15, 2005.
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