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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.


February, 2000 - Volume 84, No. 6

February Meeting:

School Board, Traffic Calming

    7:30 pm, Tuesday, February 1st
    John T. Hazel Conference Center
    Arlington Hospital
    1701 N. George Mason Drive

We are pleased that the members of the Arlington County School Board have accepted our invitation to be with us at our February meeting. Prior commitments require their part of the program to begin at 8:30, but an hour should be sufficient time to hear about schools issues and the outlook for 2000.

First on our agenda is the report of the County�s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee. The committee�s Chairman, Charlie Denney, and the Federation�s representative on the committee, Elaine Squeri, will brief us and we will take up the draft resolution on page two. Finally, our Membership Committee will present a membership application by Arlington Dogs. Please check our Web site for snow cancellations or call Randy at 703-521-2080.

ACCF Banquet Speaker: Alan Ehrenhalt of Governing

Please mark your calendar for Friday, April 28th for the Federation�s Annual Banquet for 2000. Our speaker for the banquet will be Alan Ehrenhalt, a long term Arlingtonian who is Executive editor of Governing magazine, a publication about local government that is widely read by our County officials and by a broad spectrum of Federation members. Mr. Ehrenhalt will provide insights into government in Arlington from the unique perspective of a keen observer who lives in our community and writes for a national audience. You can check out the magazine at www.governing.com.

The Banquet will be held this year at the Hilton in Ballston. Banquet Chairs Dan Krasnegor and Tommye Morton are working with the hotel to provide you a menu of tempting choices. The cost should be only a tad higher than last year, an increase of less than your Arlington tax bill.

Your banquet invitation will be mailed in February or early March.

Traffic Calming: Background

The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee has finished its report including recommendations to the County Board on the provisions of the County�s traffic calming program. Due to cost constraints the County mailed copies to Federation delegates, but not to alternates. The Board will take up the report in March. The Federation�s Transportation Committee met on January 24 and prepared the draft resolution below for your consideration at our February meeting.

Traffic Calming: Draft Resolution

Whereas many Delegates have received copies of the Report of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee (NTCC); and Whereas the Federation�s Transportation Committee and our representative on the NTCC have examined the proposed program in detail and presented it to the Federation for discussion; and Whereas the Federation has noted with approval that the recommendations emphasize an approach where neighborhoods focus on traffic problem definition; and Whereas the Federation has noted with approval that many important parameters of the program have now been established, but also noted that problems with arterials are still not addressed and the means for neighborhoods to address traffic calming with an integrated neighborhood plan are not specified;

Now therefore be it Resolved that:

1. The Arlington County Civic Federation strongly supports the Neighborhood Traffic Calming (NTC) program as defined in the Report with the reservations noted above.

2. The Federation notes that one of the parameters still to be determined in practice by the NTC committee is the role of neighborhood civic associations in the process, a role that is not defined in the report. We trust that the County will not make extensive changes in neighborhood streets without full consideration of the views of the relevant neighborhood civic associations. We also trust that the NTC program will take advantage of civic associations as an interface for consensus-building when traffic calming working groups are established in neighborhoods.

3. The Federation would welcome the eventual development by the NTC committee of additional parameters for the program based on noise abatement for neighborhood streets, and the addition of measures to address problems on arterial streets that affect pedestrians and bicyclists.

4. The Federation appreciates the opportunity to continue to provide a representative for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee, which greatly facilitates our review of reports.

5. The Federation recommends that the County Board approve this report and get the NTC program underway in this fiscal year by providing staff and construction resources.

Arlingtonians Organize for Debate on I-66

The Arlington Coalition for Sensible Transportation has formed to research the recent proposals for widening I-66 and to develop positions based on analysis of data. Although many members of the group approach the issue with strong feelings, they are attempting to maintain an objective stance.

ACST has a Web site up at www.acstnet.org with the latest on their research and positions. We will have a presentation from them at an upcoming Federation meeting.

Bicycle Advisory Committee Working on Bike Lanes

The County�s Bicycle Advisory Committee is working on a series of recommendations requested by the County Board for major Arlington streets that would benefit from bike lane striping. If your organization has an interest or would like to suggest a street, please contact Rob Swennes at 703-532-6101.

Snow Drivers Needed for Arlington Hospital

Arlington Hospital, our meeting hosts every month, have a need for drivers with four wheel drive vehicles to help nurses and staff get to the hospital and reach patients at home. Please call Stephanie McNeal at 703-558-6595 if you can help.

Federation Web Site is Up but Emailing is Starting Slowly

The Federation now has a Web presence at http://www.bscl.org/accf/

You can find this newsletter there, our draft resolutions, meeting cancellations for snow and other ACCF materials.

Our effort to use email has been slowed by lack of response from delegates. We could save postage and printing costs as well as volunteer time, and deliver your newsletter faster by email. If you would like to try it by email, with the option of returning to paper if it does not work out for you, please email Randy Swart at randy@BSCL.org with the email address we should use for you.

R&E Starts on Budget

Our Revenues and Expenditures Committee will meet every Sunday in February to examine the County budget and work up our recommendations for the March meeting. To participate, call Robert Atkins at 703-527-8859.

Coming Up

    February 1 - Federation Meeting: School Board visit and Traffic Calming

    March 7 - Federation Meeting: Budget

    April 28 - ACCF Banquet. Please mark your calendar!

You Can Receive Your Newsletter by Email!

The ACCF Executive Committee has approved the use of email delivery of this newsletter. You can get your newsletter a day earlier and save the Federation 40 cents by sending your email address to Frances Finta at ffinta@aol.com. The newsletter will be in the form of a text message, not as an attachment, so some formatting will be plainer than it is on paper. You will not receive a paper copy. You can change back to paper at any time if the email version does not work out for you. Save a tree today and send Frances your email address. This issue of the newsletter was emailed to some Federation delegates. It is also posted on the Federation's new page on the Barcroft Web site at www.BSCL.org/bardocs/accf.htm

(We are capitalizing the BSCL now because the lower case version--bscl--can be mistaken for bsc1, or even bsci. The initials stand for Barcroft School and Civic League, where we are posting ACCF materials pending establishment of a dedicated Federation Web site.) Proposals to Widen I-66

ACCF Committee Chairs

Jean Mostrom, Chair 703-532-0452
Scott McGeary, Vice Chair 703-968-7352

Community Relations
David Foster 703-276-0206 dfoster@fulbright.com

Cultural Affairs
Herschel Kanter 703-536-6286 hkanter@erols.com

Environmental Affairs
Patrick Smaldore 703-528-3935 patricksmaldore@rocketmail.com

Reid Goldstein 703-271-0431 rgoldstein@stratsight.com

Nancy Graham 703-243-4650 nagraham@msn.com

Frances Finta 703-528-2882 Parks & Recreation
Eric Buehlmann 703-237-0332 Eric_Buehlmann@jeffords.senate.gov

Planning & Zoning
William Gearhart 703-522-2276

Public Services (Co-Chairs)
Rebecca Gray 703-549-3277 gray-jones@erols.com
Stan Schachne 703-522-1358 schachne@aol.com

Revenues and Expenditures
Robert Atkins 703-527-8859

Schools Co-Chairs
Roger Meyer 703-671-3655 rdmeyer@aol.com
Terri Prell 703-820-3782 prellth@webtv.net

Special Events Co Chairs
Dan Krasnegor 703-534-4024
Tommye Morton 703-522-1506 TRMort@aol.com

Randy Swart 703-521-2080 randy@BSCL.org

ACCF Officers

President Randy Swart 703-521-2080 randy@BSCL.org
Vice Pres. Jim Pebley 703-525-0766 jimpebley@worldnet.att.net
Treasurer Frances Finta 703-528-2882 ffinta@aol.com
Secretary Tim Wise 703-243-8345 timwise@dgsys.com

Executive Committee

Chairman Jim Pebley 703-525-0766 jimpebley@worldnet.att.net
Vice Chair Rebecca Gray 703-549-3277 gray-jones@erols.com
Member Robert Atkins 703-527-8859
Member Darnell Carpenter 703-243-5188 cyjacks@attglobal.net
Member Patrick Smaldore 703-528-3935 patricksmaldore@rocketmail.com
Member Ann Rudd 703-536-8270

Newsletter Editorial Committee

Editor: Randy Swart 703-521-2080
Committee: Jim Pebley, Ann Rudd
News email: civicfed@BSCL.org
Fax: 703-486-0576
Web: http://www.BSCL.org/accf.htm

This page was last revised on: December 28, 2003.
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