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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Arlington County Civic Federation

- The Civic Voice of Arlington -


March 7, 2000

Whereas many Delegates have received copies of the Report of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee (NTCC); and

Whereas the Federation�s Transportation Committee and our representative on the NTCC have examined the proposed program in detail and presented it to the Federation for discussion; and

Whereas the Federation has noted with approval that the recommendations emphasize an approach where neighborhoods focus on traffic problem definition; and

Whereas the Federation has noted with approval that many important parameters of the program have now been established, but also noted that problems with arterials are still not addressed and the means for neighborhoods to address traffic calming with an integrated neighborhood plan are not specified;

Now therefore be it Resolved that:

1. The Arlington County Civic Federation strongly supports the Neighborhood Traffic Calming (NTC) program as defined in the Report with the reservations noted above.

2. The Federation notes that one of the parameters still to be determined in practice by the NTC committee is the role of neighborhood civic associations in the process, a role that is not defined in the report. We expect that the County will not make extensive changes in neighborhood streets without full consideration of the views of the relevant neighborhood civic associations. We also expect that the NTC program will take advantage of civic associations as an interface for consensus-building when traffic calming working groups are established in neighborhoods.

3. The Federation would welcome the eventual development by the NTC committee of additional parameters for the program based on noise abatement for neighborhood streets, and the addition of measures to address problems on arterial streets that affect pedestrians and bicyclists.

4. The Federation appreciates the opportunity to continue to provide a representative for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee, which greatly facilitates our review of reports.

5. The Federation recommends that the County Board approve this report and get the NTC program underway in this fiscal year by providing staff and construction resources.

This page was last revised on: December 27, 2003.
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