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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Free Tree Giveaway 2008

    Arlington County Parks and Natural Resources Division is offering 1200 trees to be distributed for this year's Neighborhood Day (Saturday May 10).

    Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), a large canopy tree and Allegheny serviceberry (Amenlanchier laevis), a small flowering tree are this year's two selections. These tree 'whips' will be approximately three to five feet in height and potted in one or two-gallon plastic containers.

    Groups, in the form of civic, community or condominium associations that are interested in receiving free trees should designate a single individual to coordinate requests for their group. This representative must then contact Patrick Wegeng (Parks, Environmental Landscape Manager), by email(pwegeng@arlingtonva.us) with the total number of trees. To allow adequate time for the contracted nursery to fill the total tree order, please provide requests no later than April 18th.

    Trees will be delivered by County staff to a single location designated by each group's representative. Delivery will begin May 7th, the Wednesday before Saturday's Neighborhood Day. All trees will be delivered no later than 6:00 pm, Friday, May 9th. Each organization's representative will be responsible for further distribution to individual homeowners and residents.

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