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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Minutes of the meeting of January 6, 2004

John T. Hazel Auditorium, Arlington Hospital

1. The President called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance. The formal meeting began with recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Approval of Agenda. The agenda was approved after agreeing to defer the fire station and public defender resolutions.

4. Approval of Minutes. Minutes from the December 2003 meeting were approved.

5. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Frances Finta's written report shows a combined checking and savings accounts balance of $5,372.29 less a 911 Scholarship Fund balance of $1,031.92, leaving a Federation balance of $4,340.37. The bulk mail balance was $0.00. The report was accepted. Sixty-eight of 86 organizations have paid their current dues.

6. Committee Reports: The Membership Committee presented the membership application of the Foxcroft Heights Neighborhood Association, which was approved unanimously. Brief status reports were presented by the chairs, or representatives, of several committees: Environmental, Public Service, and Revenues & Expenditures.

7. Presentation of Best Practices Report. Kim Smith made a brief presentation of the report, following a sysnopsis of the report. She also noted the full report is on the Civic Federation's website.

8. Program. The primary program involved presentations by members of the County Board, followed by a Q&A session with Federation delegates.

9. Old Business. Delegates considered a resolution involving the Madison dog exercise/community canine area. After a great deal of parliamentary maneuvering (at least one "question called" and two "divisions of the house"), the resolution (labeled "Madison Dog Park Resolution Amendment") was approved as the substitute for the main resolution presented by the Parks and Recreation Committee. That resolution was then approved.

10. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm.

Recorded by Timothy Wise, Secretary

This page was last revised on: February 4, 2004.
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