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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2004

John T. Hazel Auditorium, Arlington Hospital

President Smaldore called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

1. Pledge of Allegiance. The formal meeting began with recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance led by Randy Anderson.

2. Approval of Agenda. The minutes for August and September and the October agenda were approved.

3. Treasurer's Report. Balances: Checking $1,338.58, Savings $4,374.06, Combined $5,712.64, Reserved for 9-11 Scholarship Fund $1,031.92, Net Available $4,680.72, Separate US Postal Bulk Mail Account $367.76. Dues have been paid by 53 out of 85 member organizations.

4. Committee Reports.

    Frances Finta - Membership Committee presented the application for membership by NARFE. It was unanimously approved.

    Nancy Graham - Legislative Committee Announced that any alternatives to the legislative package to be presented by the legislative committee at the November meeting, whole or in part, need to be presented along with 100 copies for distribution.

    Beth Offenbacher - Introduced as the Community Relations Chair.

    Kathryn Scruggs - The Housing Committee met with the Chamber of Commerce. Identified problems of high cost housing and congested commuter routes. The committee holds monthly meetings at the Scruggs' home.

    Jay Wind - The Parks and Recreation Committee identified upcoming issues concerning the planned boathouse and the bond issue on the November ballot.

    Jim Pebley - The Awards Scholarship Committee has been given $20,000. He also announced that contributions may be made through CFC and the United Way.

    Scott McGeary - The GMU Advisory Committee oversees the continued redevelopment of the campus.

    Burt Bostwick - Presented a resolution that was referred to the Old Glebe Ad Hoc Committee.

    Frances Finta - Banquet Committee. The Annual Banquet will be April 1st. The selection of a speaker is in process.

    Patrick Smaldore - The Executive Committee presented a resolution to enter into greater regional participation with other Civic Federation-type groups.

5. 7:56 Start of Constitutional Amendment and Bond Issue Program. Constitutional Amendments lead by Delegate Bob Brink.

6. 8:06 Start of Bond Issue Program. Various speakers. Gus Vager started the overall presentation.

7. 8:34 Metro Bond Discussion.

8. 8:44 Transportation/Community Infrastructure Omnibus Bond Discussion.

9. 8:50 Parks and Recreation Bond Discussion. Speakers: Toby Smith, Wayne Kubicki, Jay Wind, and Lisa Grandal.

10. 9:27 School Bond.

11. 9:39 New Business - Roy Lowry cited problems with the presentation of information on the North Tract Project. Lack of information makes informed decisions difficult.

12. It was announced that there would be a Columbus Day Dinner. Frances Finta and Patrick Smaldore would attend.

13. 9:46 Adjournment.

Recorded by Tim Russo, Secretary

This page was last revised on: January 2, 2005.
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