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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

Resolution of Arlington County Civic Federation:

Constitutional Amendments on the 2006 Ballot

Adopted on October 3, 2006

WHEREAS the General Assembly has proposed three Constitutional Amendments to be voted by Virginia's voters at the November 7, 2006 Special Election; and,

WHEREAS the first Constitutional Amendment on the ballot asks whether the Constitution of Virginia should be amended concerns the question of how marriage is to be defined, and,

WHEREAS the second Constitutional Amendment on the ballot asks whether the Constitution of Virginia should be amended concerns the question of deletion of a provision prohibiting the incorporation of churches, a provision ruled now ruled unconstitutional; and,

WHEREAS the third Constitutional Amendment on the ballot asks whether the Constitution of Virginia should be amended concerns the question of whether legislation is authorized to permit localities to provide partial exemption of real estate taxes for certain real estate; and,

WHEREAS the State Board of Elections provides an explanatory pamphlet, which should be read and studied by all voters; and,

WHEREAS various organizations have taken, or are in the process of taking, positions on these three Constitutional Amendments; and,

WHEREAS members of the Civic Federation's Legislative Committee have considered the three amendments.

THEREFORE, the Legislative Committee recommends that Federation delegates vote against the first amendment dealing with the definition of marriage and vote for the second and third amendments involving the incorporation of churches and partial exemption of real estate taxes, respectively.

This page was last revised on: October 4, 2006.
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