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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Resolution on Changes to I-66

November 9, 1999

Whereas Congressman Wolf and Governor Gilmore have proposed the widening of I-66 through Arlington and have promoted legislation in Congress to abrogate the Coleman Agreement protecting Arlington�s interests in minimizing the impact of the highway through our neighborhoods; and

Whereas the Civic Federation�s Transportation Committee has begun research on the proposed project but has found that very little information is currently available to permit conclusions on the impact of the widening; and Whereas the process to date has been conducted without public knowledge until actions have been completed and with no input from Arlington�s citizens or their local government officials, and decisions have already been made that affect our interests without our knowledge or involvement; and

Whereas these decisions have been taken at the State and Federal levels without benefit of an environmental impact analysis or any consultation with Arlington officials or citizens,

Now therefore be it Resolved that:

The Federation believes that government decisions should be openly arrived at through a public process, and respectfully requests that the I-66 proposals first be evaluated as part of a comprehensive regional plan that:

    � is created with local input

    � respects the interests of commuters and residents

    � evaluates the total mix of transportation solutions for all of Northern Virginia

    � begins with analysis of methods to increase the efficiency of the existing paved lanes

    � preserves quality of life and community integrity

    � is based on a full environmental impact statement

    � protects the environment and uses the latest technology to reduce the impact of noise and air pollution in our neighborhoods

    � does not destroy homes to clear space and

    � is the most efficient use of limited taxpayer resources.

The Federation opposes any changes made to Interstate 66 unless such changes are part of a comprehensive regional transportation plan and are made with community consensus.

This page was last revised on: December 28, 2003.
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