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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

Resolution adopted by the Arlington County Civic Federation on March 5, 2002

WHEREAS the events of September 11, 2001 have brought about a widespread and non-partisan rededication to the principles that underlie our system of government; and

WHEREAS those events have special meaning to Arlington County -- home of the Pentagon; and

WHEREAS this rededication has frequently been symbolized by patriotic themes being used to begin public meetings.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Arlington County Civic Federation that the President of the Federation may choose one of the following to begin any monthly meeting of the Federation: a) the Pledge of Allegiance, b) singing America the Beautiful or another patriotic song, or c) playing the national anthem.

This page was last revised on: December 28, 2003.
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