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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

How to Join Us

To apply for membership in the Arlington County Civic Federation, the president of an organization should send a letter and a copy of the organization's Bylaws or other governing rules to Mileva Hartman, Membership Chairman, 3123 Key Blvd; Arlington, VA 22201. Telephone (703) 841-9287. (ACCF BYLAWS, Article III, Section 6 below).

The letter should state that the organization requests membership in the Arlington County Civic Federation, describe how the organization works for the benefit of those it serves (ACCF BYLAWS, Article III, Section 2 below), and attest to the fact that it has at least 20 members (ACCF BYLAWS, Article III, Section 3 below).

There is no application fee. After acceptance into the Federation, there is a $50 annual dues fee.

Here is how our Bylaws read on Membership

Excerpt from :

Bylaws Of The Arlington County Civic Federation
as amended February 3, 1998.

ARTICLE III, Section 2. Any organization whose primary object and principal work promotes safety, beautification, general welfare of its community, or the development of civic spirit, shall be considered a civic organization. The Federation reserves the right to determine the number of organizations that shall represent any single community and to reject the application of any organization.

ARTICLE III, Section 3. No organization shall have delegated representation in the Federation which does not have a minimum of twenty (20) members. The membership of each organization shall be certified annually to the Secretary of the Federation.

ARTICLE III, Section 4. Each member organization shall be entitled to name four (4) delegates and four (4) alternate delegates to the Federation. The names of the delegates and alternate delegates shall be certified in writing by the President or the designee of the member organization.

ARTICLE III, Section 5. Each member organization shall be entitled to no more than four votes cast by the delegates or their alternates. No proxy votes may be cast.

ARTICLE III, Section 6. Membership Application. All organizations applying for membership in the Federation shall be referred to the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee shall report its recommendation to the next meeting of the Federation. A two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting shall elect to membership.

This page was last revised on: February 10, 2008.
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