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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Minutes of the meeting of November 11, 2003

John T. Hazel Auditorium, Arlington Hospital

1. The President called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance. The formal meeting began with recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and was led by Commonwealth's Attorney Richard Trodden.

3. Approval of Agenda. The agenda was approved as written.

4. Approval of Minutes. Minutes from the June and September 2003 meetings were approved with one minor change.

5. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Frances Finta's written report shows a combined checking and savings accounts balance of $5,781.07 less a 911 Scholarship Fund balance of $1,031.92, leaving a Federation balance of $4,749.15. The bulk mail balance was $0.00. The report was accepted. Fifty-three of 85 organizations have paid their current dues. The Treasurer also provided written reports for June and September 2003.

6. Membership Committee. The Membership Chair, Frances Finta, brought forward a request for the readmission of Arlingtonians for a Better County. It was accepted unanimously.

7. Committee Reports: Kim Smith announced that the Public Service Committee helped deliver 70,000 pounds of ice during the power outages resulting from hurricane Isabel. Jim Pebley announced plans of the 911 Scholarship Fund to raise funds, including a 5K run on November 8. Nancy Graham, Legislative Committee chair, said copies of the 2004 legislative package are available at the sign-in table. Mileva Hartman reminded delegates of the planning and zoning forum on November 22. Steve Bauer mentioned activities of the Airport Committee. Ed Parks, co-chair, Transportation Committee, mentioned the arterial study update and the parking symposium starting on October 22.

8. Public Defenders Office Briefing. Commonwealth's Attorney Richard Trodden provided the pros and cons of a public defenders office in Arlington in lieu of the current system.

9. Program. The primary program was devoted to the proposed renovation/relocation of Washington-Lee High School. The presentation was made by Roger Mosier (Schools), Linda Henderson ((chief of School Board appointed task force), and Ed Parks (BVSCA). The presentation was followed by a Q&A period, which was then followed by an extended debate on the resolution. There were several amending resolutions (i.e., table the entire resolution, deletion of second therefore, deletion of the third therefore, and an amendment adding a firm policy regarding conversion of parkland) all of which failed. After all that, the resolution passed.

10. New Business. Several resolutions were presented and referred to committees. This included a resolution calling for the closure of the dog park at Ft Ethan Allen, Also presented were resolutions concerning a system of countywide emergency sirens and a petition to the FCC concerning text messages. There was also a resolution concerning community health systems in Arlington County, which passed unanimously.

11. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:50 p.m.

Recorded by Timothy Wise, Secretary

This page was last revised on: December 17, 2005.
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