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Arlington County Civic Federation

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Resolutions Adopted by the Civic Federation

June 1, 2004

The following resolutions were approved by the
Federation at its meeting on June 1, 2004.

Resolution on Separating Parks and Recreation From Other Bond Referenda

Whereas, Arlington County voters consider bond issues for parks and recreation and other County investments every two years; and

Whereas, in 2002, parks and recreation and other County investments were combined into a single bond issue for voter consideration, raising some concerns; and

Whereas, in 2004, the draft CIP proposes the County's largest-ever investment for parks and recreation, including a $50 million line item for North Tract;

Therefore, the Arlington County Civic Federation recommends that the Arlington County Board separate parks and recreation from other bond referenda on the November 2004 ballot.

Resolution on Clear Identification of Park Enhancement Grants Program in the CIP

Whereas, the Arlington County Civic Federation recognizes the value of the addition of the Capital Asset Preservation Program (CAPP) to the County Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in protecting the usefulness and value of parks and recreation facilities; and

Whereas, we have long supported the Small Parks Grants program (now renamed Park Enhancement Grants);

Therefore, the Federation recommends to the Arlington County Board that County staff clearly differentiate the purposes of these programs so that Arlington residents can most effectively interact with and monitor these programs.

Resolution on Coordinating Park Land Uses with the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority

Whereas, many County and Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (NVRPA) properties are adjacent and have complementary uses, and

Whereas, we believe that a more consistent means of use coordination is important to maximize public benefits; and

Whereas, plans to widen the Washington and Old Dominion trail in Arlington have raised a number of concerns among some users;

Therefore, the Arlington County Civic Federation recommends that the County Board instruct its appointees to the NVRPA to seek a new policy requiring NVRPA's staff to provide prominent public notices for proposed projects and to follow within its member jurisdictions those procedures (for example, adherence to applicable master plan recommendations and requirements for public review of site plans and environmental assessments) that the respective jurisdiction requires for comparable private projects or the jurisdiction's own comparable public projects.

Resolution Opposing Rezoning of 1101 Lee Highway

Whereas, the property at 1101 Lee Highway is zoned S-3A and designated for public use; and

Whereas, the owner of the property has requested that it be rezoned as C-O-1.5 in order to build a 10-story residential building there; and

Whereas, this property is surrounded by publicly-owned open space and is best suited for use as parkland or other public use;

Therefore, given the current site plan proposal, the Arlington County Civic Federation recommends that the property at 1101 Lee Highway in Rosslyn should retain its present zoning and GLUP designations, and should not be rezoned from S-3A (public use) to C-O-1.5 for private development.

Resolution on Public Review of Trails and Bikeways Projects

Whereas, the Transportation and Pedestrian Initiatives subsection of the Department of Public Works section of the proposed Fiscal Year 2005 - Fiscal Year 2010 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) describes five Trails and Bikeways Projects to be funded in Fiscal Year 2007, and

Whereas, these projects have not undergone public review focusing upon impacts on natural, scenic and historical resources, as prescribed by public regulations including County Administrative Regulation 4.4 and Paragraph 32 on page 14 of the 1994 Arlington Bicycle Transportation Plan,

Therefore, the above public review and environmental assessment should be completed for Trails and Bikeways Projects before the County distributes to the public the Fiscal Year 2007 - Fiscal Year 2012 CIP.

This page was last revised on: June 23, 2004.
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