Nominating Committee


Per Section 3.03(a) of the Bylaws of ACCF:

Section 3.03 Nomination, Election, and Term of Office.
a) Nomination. At least ninety (90) and not more than one hundred twenty (120) days before the annual Member meeting held in accordance with Section 2.06, the Members shall elect a Nomination Committee comprised of three (3) to seven (7) Voting Members and/or Alternate Members to handle the nomination of at least one candidate Voting Member or Alternate Member for each Director position. The Nomination Committee shall submit written or electronic reports on a regular basis to all current Voting Members and Alternate Members prior to the annual Member meeting, at which meeting additional nominations may be made from the floor.

March 2024 Round (Nominations for FY2025):


David Smith • email David

  • Sandi Chesrown (Co-Chair, ACCF Arts Culture Committee; Waverly Hills CA President)
  • Bryan Coleman (ACCF Legislation Committee)
  • Lois Koontz (FY2019 Chair, ACCF Board of Directors)
  • Alex Sakes (Penrose NA President)
  • David Smith (ACCF Secretary, Bluemont CA Treasurer)

Interim Report, 31 May 2024 [PDF, 310 KiB].
Biographical Submissions for Candidates for FY2025 ACCF Officers and Directors [PDF, 379 KiB].

April 2023 Round (Nominations for FY2024):


Adam Henderson

Results of the Election held at the Annual General Meeting, 13 JUNE 2023:
Vote to elect officers for FY2024 (1 Jul 2023-30 June 2024)
  • President John Ford, 31 approve (82%), 7 no, 6 abstain
  • Vice-President Ron Haddox, 40 approve (95%), 2 no, 3 abstain
  • Secretary David Smith, 40 approve (95%), 2 no, 3 abstain
  • Treasurer Benjamin Watts, 42 approve (98%), 1 no, 2 abstain
  • John Ford, Ron Haddox, David Smith, and Benjamin Watts were elected as ACCF officers for FY2024.
Vote to elect board members at-large for FY2024 (1 Jul 2023-30 June 2024)
  • Nicholas Giacobbe, 43 approve (100%), 0 no, 2 abstain
  • Mary Glass, 39 approve (93%), 3 no, 3 abstain
  • Adam Henderson, 43 approve (100%), 0 no, 2 abstain
  • Michael McMenamin, 39 approve (91%), 4 no, 2 abstain
  • Richard McNamara, 41 approve (98%), 1 no, 3 abstain
  • Scott Miles, 43 approve (98%), 1 no, 1 abstain
  • David Schutz, 41 approve (93%), 0 no, 4 abstain
  • Jacqueline Snelling, 32 approve (80%), 8 no, 5 abstain
  • Jim Todd, 29 approve (81%), 7 no, 6 abstain
  • The Bylaws provide for a board at-large of five to nine seats. All 9 candidates above were elected to the board at-large.


Interim Report, 28 May 2023 [PDF, 94 KiB].
Interim Report, 9 June 2023 [PDF, 102 KiB].
Biographical Submissions for Candidates for FY2024 ACCF Officers and Directors [PDF, 157 KiB].

April 2022 Round (Nominations for FY2023):


Adam Henderson

Results of the Election held at the Annual General Meeting, 14 JUNE 2022:
Vote to elect officers for FY2023 (1 Jul 2022-30 June 2023)
  • President John Ford, 60 approve (97%), 2 no, 4 abstain
  • Vice-President Ron Haddox, 48 approve (98%), 1 no, 7 abstain
  • Secretary (CONTESTED), 0 no, 9 abstain
    • David Smith, 41 approve (73%)
    • Allen Norton, 15 approve (27%)
  • Treasurer Jim Todd, 55 approve (98%), 1 no, 5 abstain
  • John Ford, Ron Haddox, David Smith, and Jim Todd were elected as ACCF officers for FY2023.
Vote to elect board members at-large for FY2023 (1 Jul 2022-30 June 2023)
  • Allen Gajadhar, 61 approve (98%), 1 no, 3 abstain
  • David Schutz, 54 approve (93%), 4 no, 6 abstain
  • Jacqueline Snelling, 54 approve (96%), 2 no, 6 abstain
  • Mary Glass, 41 approve (98%), 1 no, 6 abstain
  • Michael McMenamin, 53 approve (91%), 5 no, 8 abstain
  • Nadia Conyers, 61 approve (98%), 1 no, 2 abstain
  • Scott Miles, 55 approve (95%), 3 no, 7 abstain
  • Suzanne Sundburg, 54 approve (95%), 3 no, 8 abstain
  • Todd Truitt, 53 approve (95%), 3 no, 8 abstain
  • The Bylaws provide for a board at-large of five to nine seats. All 9 candidates above were elected to the board at-large. Jacqueline Snelling was elected board chair at an organizational meeting on 7 July 2022.


Interim Report, 30 Apr 2022 [PDF, 76 KiB].
Nominees as of 10 May 2022 [PDF, 49 KiB]
Interim Report, 4 Jun 2022 [PDF, 75 KiB].
Full List of Received Nominees, 12 Jun 2022 [PDF, 156 KiB].
Nominating Committee Presentation to the Annual Meeting, 14 Jun 2022 [PDF, 210 KiB].

April 2021 Round (Nominations for FY2022):


Juliet Hiznay


Final Report, 1 Jun 2021 [PDF, 130 KiB].

Interim Report, 7 May 2021 [PDF, 222 KiB].