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Arlington County Civic Federation

You are viewing the archived Civic Federation site. For current information, visit www.civfed.org.

Best Practices for Civic Federation Committees

NOTE: Committee Chairs are welcome to attend Executive Committee meetings at any time. These meetings are scheduled on the second Monday of the month, September through June. For the exact schedule in any year see the Calendar.

1.Review responsibilities of committee under Bylaws.

2.Select Committee Members according to guidelines.

3.Choose a method of communication for the committee either by using Yahoo Groups or establishing a separate email list.

4.Publicize dates and locations of committee meetings in a timely manner. In addition to either the Yahoo Group or an email list, please send the information to info+ for listing on the Calendar page of the Civic Federation website.

5.If you're looking for meeting space for your committee, some commonly used locations for Civic Federation Committee meetings are:
  • the Hospice (16th St. at Buchanan) Conference room or cafeteria (to schedule call 703-525-7070 and ask for Thornton)
  • conference rooms in libraries library online scheduling
  • If you need further suggestions, contact the the President.
6.Committees vary in the level of formality of their proceedings. You are free to select a method of meeting management that suits your preference as chair and is appropriate to the work that the committee is doing on behalf of the Civic Federation. If you want advice, contact the President.

7.Establish a procedure for documenting committee work through minutes or summaries that may be forwarded to the President and Secretary. This information will also be used to create the annual report that is submitted annually for the June Civic Federation meeting and published on the Civic Federation Website, linked to the Committee Page.

8.If external representation is requested, see Guidelines for External Representation

9.Procedures for bringing forward resolutions for action by the Civic Federation membership are covered by the Standing Rules

10.Programs planned by committees:

This web page was last revised on: July 11, 2007.
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